Friday, February 1, 2013


Over the last month I have finished and sent out my last commissions of the year and opened an Etsy store. I have also taken the time to reflect on all of the progress over the last year. The decision to spend my time pursuing personal artistic goals was a hard one to make. Deciding to forgo the normal route of getting a secure job and all that goes with it in order to follow an uncertain dream brings great amounts of doubt and fear. It is not an easy route, but If I have learned anything in all of my work with horses over the years (my other entrepreneurial pursuit), persistence, hard work, and patience will pay off in the end. Perhaps most important of all, being surrounded by an amazing and supportive community has made this year one of the best I have ever had.

I am looking forward to improving on last year with more shows, more inventory in my store, and more commissions and illustration work. Time to get busy!

 A watercolor portrait of Henry

A watercolor portrait of Daisy

An acrylic commission inspired by my previous moose painting. The shoreline and red sandstone home carry great significance for the family that commissioned the work.

And here is a link to my store!

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